AWS Service
Some simple knowledge of PyG
IAM- Identity and Access Management
IAM Policies
Access AWS
在AWS(Amazon Web Services)中,CLI、SDK和Management Console是三种不同的方式来管理和与AWS服务进行交互。以下是它们的区别和用途:
AWS CLI(Command Line Interface):一个统一的工具,允许用户通过命令行界面与AWS服务进行交互。CLI 更加适合脚本和自动化任务。Protected by access keys
AWS SDK(Software Development Kit): 提供了多种编程语言的库和工具包,使开发人员可以在代码中直接与AWS服务进行交互。SDK 适合开发人员在应用程序中集成AWS服务。Protected by access keys
AWS Management Console: AWS提供的基于Web的用户界面,用于管理AWS资源。Management Console 适合管理和监控任务,提供可视化的管理界面,适合不熟悉代码的人操作。Protected by password and + MFA, generate access keys.
IAM Roles
与IAM user类似,但是不是给人用的,是给AWS Service用的
E.g. 现在有一个EC2 Instance启动需要用到某些AWS功能,我们需要给它分配IAM Roles管理其权限
- EC2 User Data (runs with the root user)
- lt is possible to bootstrap our instances using an EC2 Wser data script
- bootstrapping means launching commands when a machine starts
- That script is only run once at the instance first start
- EC2 user data is used to automate boot tasks such as:
- Installing updates
- Installing software
- Downloading common files from the internet
- Anything you can think of