

previous study:

  1. error propagation: consider all paths between every user-item pair might involve irrelevant one
  2. weak explainability



4 parts:

  1. the Graph encoding module: learn the representations of nodes in the heterogeneous graph.
  2. the Path Extraction and Selection module: extract paths between users and items from the heterogeneous graph and select higher-quality reasoning paths
  3. the Path Encoding module: learn the representations of the selection reasoning paths.
  4. the Preference Prediction module: predicts users’ preferences according to the reasoning paths.

Graph Encoding - GCN

  1. propagation and aggregation

initialized randomly

weighted sum aggregator : the neighborhood nodes are aggregated via mean function.

  1. weight sum to merge every layers

Path Extraction

we prune irrelevant paths between each user-item pair.

we extract multi-hop paths with the limitation that hops in every single path are less than l.